Wednesday, October 16, 2019



Inspired orange and yellow lighting. Mid close up and direct address.

 Close up image, with a half lighting aspect of face to create shadows. I was inspired by the orange lighting face and the salmon background and how their is clear highlights and shadows

Electronic dance magazine task



  1. I'm going to start by nit picking. Strictly speaking you haven't fulfilled the task, which was to produce TWO front covers. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place you've only made one.

    That said, you've done a fantastic job here. Your eye for layout and design is really good and the finished product is convincing as a real magazine. I particularly liked your use of fonts and sell lines. The research was nicely presented and clearly had some impact on your final product.

    Next task, work doggedly on creating something that fulfils the brief.

  2. Task 2:
    I'm going to make a similar comment to the last one. The quality of your work is really good. You clearly have a decent eye for lighting and a solid understanding of how to manipulate the relationship between iris, shutter and iso. Unfortunately, you only took 2 of the 8 images I asked for. Please stick closely to the brief on the music magazine/website task. While this is only a mock task, fulfilling the brief is a major source of marks on the real thing and you need to get used to giving it the right level of focus.

  3. Task 2 updated comment.

    Please post the original comment for Task 2 to the comments section of the blog.

  4. Task 3:
    Decent research that demonstrates understanding of the convergence of the two texts. As we get to the external coursework task you will need to be even more meticulous and a little wider with your research but this is perfectly good for now.

    The quality here is not bad at all. You have done a good job of your front cover image, though I suspect using more contrast in the lighting may have given the central image a slightly more professional look. Colours are nice but do tend to mute things a little. Your sell lines needed to be a little more carefully arranged to capitalise on the space around the image. Your contents page was/is really promising but sadly unfinished. You were on track for 19/25, but the incompleteness of this takes it down to 11/25. In fairness to you, the deadline was very tight so be pleased with the amount you achieved in the time, but when it comes to the real thing really push yourself to hit all deadline.

    Website: Your website is a little sparse. I like some of the design features (like the set of coloured images across the top) but websites need to be much busier than this with a wide range of different articles to entice the reader. Look back carefully at the websites that you have analysed and think carefully about copying the elements more closely. You really can copy here.

    The website is complete, but the scarcity of content suggests a score of about 13/25.

    There are some clear attempts to unify the magazine and the website, with some colour scheme matching and content matching. However, the scarcity of content on the website makes it difficult to match everything together. Still 5/10.

    In summary:
    This was a tough task with a lot to do in a short time. You had to rush some of the things and it shows, but you should still be pleased with how much of the finished work you managed to get online. Well done!

    Total Score = 30, which a D grade at this stage, but if you'd completed the magazine it would be a C grade. Room for improvement, but heading very much in the right direction.



Practise task 1 feedback: I'm going to start by nit picking. Strictly speaking you haven't fulfilled the task, which was to produc...